ICE-B 2021 Abstracts

Area 1 - Business Intelligence

Full Papers
Paper Nr: 1

Challenges in Aligning Enterprise Application Architectures to Business Process Access Control Requirements in Evolutional Changes


Roman Pilipchuk, Stephan Seifermann, Robert Heinrich and Ralf Reussner

Abstract: Business processes define requirements for software systems that support business goals. Enterprise Application Architectures (EAAs) organize the structure and behavior of the required software systems. Satisfying requirements regarding the confidentiality of information that originate from the business process design is crucial to fulfill legal obligations and corporate policies. Violating these obligations and policies can lead to high fines and lost assets. There is a gap in modeling confidentiality requirements holistically across business processes and EAAs (Alpers et al., 2019). Hence, aligning EAAs with business processes by identifying violated business access control requirements (ACRs) during the architectural design phase is vital. Thereto, three challenges need to be overcome: i) define the meaning of read and write from ACRs for EAAs, ii) identify relevant parts of the EAA affected by ACRs and iii) define rules to cope with data type refinement. In this paper, we present the challenges, solutions to them and our scientific findings that we made during the development of AcsALign, which is an approach to align the EAAs to ACRs of business processes in the early design phase and evolution scenarios using the established modeling languages Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN) and Palladio Component Model (PCM). We apply our solutions in a real-world case study. Evaluation results show satisfying accuracy of the requirements extraction and architectural alignment.

Paper Nr: 8

Recommender Systems in Food Retail: Modeling Repeat Purchase Decisions on Transaction Data of a Stationary Food Retailer


Thomas Neifer, Dennis Lawo, Gunnar Stevens, Alexander Boden and Andreas Gadatsch

Abstract: In the course of growing online retailing, recommendation systems have become established that derive recommendations from customers’ purchase histories. Recommending suitable food products can represent a lucrative added value for food retailers, but at the same time challenges them to make good predictions for repeated food purchases. Repeat purchase recommendations have been little explored in the literature. These predict when a product will be purchased again by a customer. This is especially important for food recommendations, since it is not the frequency of the same item in the shopping basket that is relevant for determining repeat purchase intervals, but rather their difference over time. In this paper, in addition to critically reflecting classical recommendation systems on the underlying repeat purchase context, two models for online product recommendations are derived from the literature, validated and discussed for the food context using real transaction data of a German stationary food retailer.

Paper Nr: 25

Exploring the Relationships between Cultural Content and Viewers’ Watching Interest: A Study of Tiktok Videos Produced by Chinese Ethnic Minority Groups


Lifu Li and Kyeong Kang

Abstract: This research aims to create a framework for ethnic minority groups (EMG) in building visual and aural short video content on social media platforms (SMPs). As the concept of urbanisation prevails in China, both the younger major group and EMG generations gradually accept the modern culture, which results in some traditional culture are faced with the danger of disappearance. In order to protect and spread EMG culture, this paper focuses on the short video created by EMG video producers on the TikTok platform. Through the classification of EMG videos content on the platform, it analyses what kinds of cultural content are effective in attracting viewers' watching interest. Using 1007 EMG videos as base data, the paper applies the covariance analysis method to present the relationships between cultural short video content and viewers’ watching interest. Based on the comparisons among the results of different EMGs, the findings can guide EMG video producers to improve their visual content, contributing to EMG cultural protection and cultural diversity.

Short Papers
Paper Nr: 2

Some Estimates of Labor Contribution for Creating Digital Libraries


N. Kalenov, G. Savin, I. Sobolevskaya and A. Sotnikov

Abstract: One of the main directions of modern technological development is the digitalization of various areas of activity. In the science, this forms integrated digital libraries include various digital objects, including digital copies of printed publications, 3D models of museum items, digitized images, audio and film materials. Scientific digital libraries are characterized by high requirements for the quality of digital copies of printed scientific sources, since any ambiguity or contamination within chemical formulas or mathematical expressions can lead to erroneous perception or misunderstanding of the meaning. Special requirements for digital copies are also imposed when digitizing rare editions and archival documents that are of scientific and historical value not only in their content, and in the notes of scientists in the margins of a book or archival document. Requirements for the quality of digitized materials determine the significant labor intensity of preparation; it is necessary to evaluate it when planning work on filling scientific libraries. This article contains a calculation methodology of span time for creating integrated digital scientific libraries using the example of the technology of forming a digital library "Scientific Heritage of Russia" (DL SHR). DL SHR contains detailed information about scientists, their most important publications (digital copies of full texts), related archival documents, as well as 3D models of museum items related to their activities. The developed methodology includes the decomposition of the entire technological process into a number of operations performed by specialists of a certain profile (librarians, editors, scan-operators, etc.). Each stage is divided into several operations, for each of which the time spent on the execution of works assigned to the unit within this operation is estimated. Such units can be a page of a book, an entire book, a biography of a scientist, etc. Span time estimation is carried out either from the published standards, or, in their absence, from the analysis of the experience of performing this operation. The article provides data on the calculation of time costs for individual operations, the formation of digital objects and their collections in relation to DL SHR based on Russian standards and 10 years of experience.

Paper Nr: 10

An Analysis on the Relation between Users’ Online Social Networks Addiction and Users Security Concerns


Gulsum Akkuzu Kaya and Ben Sanders

Abstract: Use of online social network platforms has increased over last decades. There are various activities that users can do on those platforms such as, making friends, enjoying time, making business, and education. Given activities make online social network platforms more attractive and users want to spend more time on those platforms. Although there is a massive increment in their use, they are not secure enough to fully protect their users’ data and privacy. Some users are not aware of the security settings (i.e. privacy settings) since most users focus on spending time on those platforms which brings online social networks addiction into the consideration. Addiction is defined with time dependency in most of the literature works, however, calling a person as an addicted person depends on various factors. This work provides three main contributions; 1-)It clarifies the definition of addiction with a quantitative model. 2-)It provides an analysis on online social networks addiction; answers the question ”whom could be called as an addicted user to those platforms” 3-)It provides an analysis on users’ trusts to online social networks platforms.

Paper Nr: 11

Increasing Business Opportunities for Drone Services


S. Brezani, R. Hrasko, D. Vanco and P. Vojtas

Abstract: We describe our UAV imaging research and development from a business perspective. Our main goal is to increase business opportunities for our drone services. We build on experiences from an already deployed drone service provided by our IT company. The application is using a commercial tool for processing photogrammetry. Its advantage is accuracy, but the main disadvantage is the time needed for annotation by a trained human operator. Our methodology is based on user studies and knowledge gained in communicating with potential customers at IT trade fairs and exhibitions. We analyse the duration and automation of the service as key factors. We consider two types of higher automation of the solution. First is the automation of annotation - less accurate, without human intervention. The second is automation in flight planning and implementation. The use of other drone peripherals or hybrid drones can also create new types of services. In particular, there is a demand for immediate execution of on-site flight imaging without any pre-calibration. Our considerations, expanding our services, also include various inspections or direct involvement in industrial processes. Some improvements were tested on an experimental prototype. The results indicate improvement making services cheaper and faster.

Area 2 - Business Models and Business Processes

Full Papers
Paper Nr: 30

Decoding IPaaS: Investigation of User Requirements for Integration Platforms as a Service


Thomas Neifer, Dennis Lawo, Paul Bossauer and Andreas Gadatsch

Abstract: Due to ongoing digitalization, more and more cloud services are finding their way into companies. In this context, data integration from the various software solutions, which are provided both on-premise (local use or licensing for local use of software) and as a service, is of great importance. In this regard, Integration Platform as a Service (IPaaS) models aim to support companies as well as software providers in the context of data integration by providing connectors to enable data flow between different applications and systems and other integration services. Since previous research has mostly focused on technical or legal aspects of IPaaS, this article focuses on deriving integration practices and design-related barriers and drivers regarding the adoption of IPaaS. Therefore, we conducted 10 interviews with experts from different software as a services vendors. Our results show that the main factors regarding the adoption of IPaaS are the standardization of data models, the usability and variety of connectors provided, and the issues regarding data privacy, security, and transparency.

Short Papers
Paper Nr: 9

Business Model Innovation to Enhance the Efficiency of Freight Logistics in the Maritime Supply Chain through Blockchain-based Industry Platforms


Oliver Weisshuhn, Christian Greiner and Allan Ramdhony

Abstract: The emerging platform economy is transforming the maritime freight logistics industry. In particular, blockchain-based industry platforms offer enormous potential for enhancing efficiency in the supply chain network. This paper draws on the principles of platform business modelling to develop a framework for global information technology companies to enable a transformation of their current service and software-oriented operations into a platform business model. A qualitative study was conducted integrating theoretical insights from relevant extant literature and empirical evidence based on semi-structured interviews with 15 experts from a global information technology company and the maritime industry. A multi-layered approach to data analysis allowed the identification of a set of interdependent generative causal factors that underlie the platform business model transformation. The findings point to the cross-sector partnership and governance as the dominant causal mechanisms driving the platform business model transformation. This led to the development of a new platform business model framework - named the 4/9 Platform Business Model Canvas (4/9 PBM-C) - which can be seen as a significant development in the current conceptualisation of blockchain-based industry platforms as a means of enhancing the efficiency of maritime freight logistics. The paper concludes with a consideration of the practical implications of the 4/9 PBM-C and its application to other industries.

Paper Nr: 13

Digital Transformation of Transfer in Universities


Claudia Doering, Finn Reiche and Holger Timinger

Abstract: The digital transformation encounters not only industry and society, but also universities. Universities have to address the digital transformation in several ways: Digital transformation must be integrated into the curricula of their study programs. Additionally, they might want to establish own research programs in this area. Finally, universities have to digitally transform their own organization and administration. Universities are nowadays increasingly confronted with transfer or the so-called third mission, which manifests itself in growing social interest and the transfer of knowledge and technology. To be able to successfully withstand this transformation, a structured model was created. In order to pass through this process and to apply digital transformation as a university, internal conditions like the digital infrastructure as well as external conditions, such as higher education acts play a major role.

Paper Nr: 18

A Classification of Process Mining Bottleneck Analysis Techniques for Operational Support


Rob Bemthuis, Niels van Slooten, Jeewanie Jayasinghe Arachchige, Jean Paul Sebastian Piest and Faiza Allah Bukhsh

Abstract: A bottleneck usually is a sub-process in the main process which delays the process. The performance of a process can be increased by eliminating the bottlenecks. To this end, opportunities to analyze and mitigate bottlenecks by using process mining techniques can be an interesting direction to utilize. This paper aims to classify literature on process mining bottleneck analysis techniques and propose a model for operational support regarding bottleneck analysis utilizing process mining. To this end, we first propose a model for classifying bottleneck analysis techniques. Then, we conduct a systematic literature review to identify existing papers that address bottleneck analysis by utilizing process mining techniques. The results indicate that many researchers are focusing on detecting bottlenecks, while limited attention is paid to predicting bottlenecks or recommending actions on what to do with bottlenecks. The proposed classification model is validated through a demonstration, showing how process mining bottleneck analysis techniques can be applied to a logistics case study.

Paper Nr: 22

User-centric Business Process Transformations: Challenges and First Solutions


Catharina Zollweg and Stefan Zander

Abstract: The deployment of user-centered design methods such as contextual design in business process digitalizations is still at its beginning, in particular in conjunction with business process modeling techniques. Since their collaborative deployment is not a straightforward endeavor, this paper discusses challenges and first solutions in conducting contextual inquiry in combination with business process modeling. The challenges were acquired through observations in field studies and their validity is corroborated through a literature study of relevant and related works. This paper’s main intention is to provide practical support and motivate the use of user-centered design methods in business process transformations.

Area 3 - Collaboration and Interoperability

Short Papers
Paper Nr: 3

Business Model Scenarios for Engendering Trust in Smart City Data Collaborations


Ruben D’Hauwers, Nils Walravens, Pieter Ballon and Koen Borghys

Abstract: Smart city data has the potential to be used to support evidence -based decision making. Yet, to fulfil this potential, private data needs to be shared with governments in data collaborations, in which. trust between the participating actors is a major prerequisite. This paper aims to provide an answer on 1) what the business conditions and challenges for smart city data providers collaborating to share sensitive data to engender trust among each other are and 2) what the impact of open and closed business model configurations on the trustworthiness of smart city data collaborations is. A case study analysis of the Smart Retail Dashboard aims to set up a data collaboration between smart city data providers and cities to improve the evidence-based decision making of local retail policy makers. An analysis is made of the data sharing business model conditions of trustworthiness in an open, closed and hybrid model. The paper concludes with the advantages and disadvantages of each scenario to engender trust and how these scenarios solve the earlier determined challenges.

Paper Nr: 19

A Preliminary Analysis of the Use of Valuation Methods by Technology Transfer Offices


António Rocha, Fernando Romero, Manuela Cunha, Rui Lima and Marlene Amorim

Abstract: Valuing invention disclosures in universities involves an assessment of research outcomes that go well beyond the opportunity to make financial profits. Valuation is also about determining what technical solutions are worth, either in terms of technical and scientific achievements but overall, what benefits does it bring to industry and the larger society. The good use of valuation methods to estimate and predict the outcomes of continuing to invest in the technical solution, is a major issue addressed by universities’ Technology transfer Offices (TTOs), which have to decide whether to file or not a patent to enforce industrial property rights and to gain the exclusivity to use and grant exploration rights over the new technical solution. University Technology Transfer Offices, in close connection with the research teams, must also make decisions regarding the technology roadmap and what avenues of investment will be used, and what valorisation routes will bring greater benefits to move the technology to industry where the results are developed into new products, compounds or systems or even services that benefit multiple stakeholders. This paper provides evidence on what are the main technology valuation methods in use by technology transfer offices. Qualitative and quantitative data has been collected by surveying eight Portuguese University TTOs. The statistical data has been treated using the one-sample T-test to identify the most common technology valuation methods. From the data it was possible to conclude that rating/ranking methods and models are the most frequently used valuation methods, followed by market valuation approaches. Previous agreements and discounted cash-flow projections are mainly used when a spin-off firm is under consideration or when there is a manifestation of interest from a potential investor. Royalty standards are used to prepare licensing negotiations, and Real Options, Monte Carlo simulation and Auctions are hardly ever used.

Area 4 - Technologies and Applications

Short Papers
Paper Nr: 12

A Supply Chain Management System to Prevent Counterfeiting and Trace Different Transactions Instead of using PUF Device


Yusuke Abe, Kosei Arisaka, Kitahiro Kaneda and Keiichi Iwamura

Abstract: The distribution of counterfeit products in supply chains has been increasing in recent years. Physical unclonable function (PUF), which takes advantage of the difficulty of duplication inherent in devices, is attracting attention as a way to overcome this problem. However, PUF can only be applied to a few objects, notably semiconductor chips, and is, therefore, unable to cover the wide variety of products in a supply chain. Moreover, it is necessary to use noise reduction technology, such as a fuzzy extractor, to remove noise from the output through PUF. There is a concern that costs may increase to implement such technology. Therefore, this paper proposes a system that can perform the same function as PUF on objects for which PUF has not yet been established, without using noise reduction technology. An arbitrary feature of an object is measured, and if the feature satisfies a certain criterion, the object can be safely delivered. In addition, the proposed method is able to distinguish between individual transactions between one company and another. This prevents unauthorized resale and diversion by controlling even the location of the products once they are dispatched from the supplier.

Paper Nr: 16

Enhanced Protection of Ecommerce Users’ Personal Data and Privacy using the Trusted Third Party Model


Mukuka Kangwa, Charles S. Lubobya and Jackson Phiri

Abstract: The rapid adoption of electronic delivery of services by various electronic service providers such as ecommerce and e-governance services leaves the users of these services with no option but to adapt if they are to continue accessing their desired services. To access these services, very often one has to reveal some of their personal data in order to get registered on the platforms made available courtesy of the service providers. One person is likely to surrender their personal identifying data to several service providers hence making their aggregated data susceptible to leakage online. Despite several solutions already in use data leakage is still prevalent. Our research proposes and tests a method that aggregates personal identifying data and seeks to enhance its protection from leakage using a novel approach formulated from software and hardware. This paper outlines the design and explains in detail how the approach is expected to protect data. It further gives details of the results that were obtained from experiments conducted on the constructed key component of the proposed solution.

Paper Nr: 28

Gamified Hands-on-Training in Business Information Systems: An Educational Design Experiment


Anke Schüll, Laura Brocksieper and Julian Rössel

Abstract: The Covid-19-pandemic confronted lecturers worldwide with the sudden necessity to develop concepts suitable for distance education. Students’ motivation became a crucial aspect of prolonged e-learning situations. This paper reports on an educational design experiment to change a hands-on-training on SAP ERP-Systems into a gamified self-paced e-learning environment. This training accompanies a lecture on Business Information Systems for first-semester students. Allowing mistakes to happen kept the attention high and made achievements within the learning environment more rewarding. An anonymous online survey confirmed the relevance of self-paced learning for learning efficiency. Even though a positive impact of “mistakes” on learning efficiency was not confirmed, comments and statements of the participants pointed towards an effect on learning, worth further research. We contribute to the body of knowledge by providing lessons learned on gamified self-paced e-learning within university courses. It could be verified that business process-related hands-on-training within an ERP-System could be implemented in a gamified self-paced e-learning environment without compromises regarding scope or scale of the content.

Paper Nr: 21

An Effective Tool for Oshindonga Early Development Education: Lilonga-Nenyanyu Learning Application


Caroline Mulundu, Victoria Hasheela-Mufeti and Maria Ntinda

Abstract: The Namibian official language is English, and that is what is mostly spoken by children because it is the medium of instruction in schools. Learning materials ranging from kids’ playbooks, TV programs, and most of the existing children's educational applications are all in English and other western languages, resulting in our native languages being rarely spoken and used, thus slowly dying out. This study aimed to investigate and explore the development of learning on an android mobile application in a Namibian language known as Oshindonga, an Oshiwambo dialect, spoken in Northern Namibia. Data has been primarily collected through an online survey from Oshindonga-speaking parents and caregivers, to understand what kind of features they would like to have in the application. Parents and guardians play a major role in their children’s education, and the results have indicated that most of them are deeply involved in their kids’ education. This will in a great deal assist the children in using the learning application as they can easily access their parents’ phones, and as results have indicated, that majority of the children can use and are familiar with smartphones.

Paper Nr: 27

A Study on APT in IoT Networks


Bruno Carneiro da Rocha, Laerte Peotta de Melo and Rafael Timóteo de Sousa Jr.

Abstract: Many companies are being targeted by attacks called Advanced Persistent Threats (APT). These are difficult to be detected because espionage and important information stealing are the main tecniques instead of trying to crash the system by causing a denial of service (DoS) attack, for example. With the popularization of the Internet of Things (IoT) and knowing that these devices do not always have a high level of security, this type of attack can be more efficient and further compromise the security of associations. A study containing the main attacks and a proposed defense model will be presented in this work.